새해 인사 기회를 빌어
작년을 무사히 견뎌준 모든 분들께 감사한 마음과 안부를 보냅니다.
AMJ Kids가 있었기에 웃으며 공부할 수 있었던 작년이었습니다.
힘든 시기에도 저희에게 큰 관심과 애정을 보여주신 모든 분들께
깊은 감사의 말씀 드립니다.
2021년 새해에도 AMJ는 세상을 이끌 수 있는 영어를 가르치겠습니다.
발전하는 AMJ를 지켜봐주세요.
즐거운 휴일 보내십시오. Happy Seollal!

Happy New Year! It’s the Year of the Ox! The Ox represents hard work,
positivity and honesty. Let's all work hard to make sure 2021 is full of these things! :)

Happy Seollal, everybody. Get lots of rest and eat plenty of food!
See you in the new year!

To All My Students, I hope everyone has a fun and safe Lunar New Year Holiday! Please eat lots of yummy food and be ready to talk about
all the fun things you did during the break!

Happy New Year, kids! Have a safe and restful time with your family.
Hope this New Year brings you health, love and happiness!! Bring on 2021!

Happy New Year! Hope you have a good holiday and eat a lot of yummy foods!
See you in the new year!

Stay safe with your family! I hope you guys find some ways to enjoy this Seollal. Can't wait to hear and share how you guys spent your time after the break!

To Everyone, Have a safe and wonderful time with your family for the Lunar New Year!
Make sure to eat lots of songpyeon and be ready to tell me all about your holiday when you return!

Happy Lunar New Year! Eat lots of food and spend time with your family.
I also strongly encourage you to spend lots of time playing games and watching movies!

Happy New Year! Wishing you beautiful moments, treasured memories
during holiday with your family :)

1. 참가내용: 코로나로 바뀐 일상을 살아가는 가족들에게 원격으로 설날맞이 인사를 나누어주세요

2. 참가방법: 인스타그램 포스팅한 후 AMJ어학원(@amj_academy) 태그 또는 카카오톡 AMJ어학원(@amj_academy) 전달

3. 시상내역: Block별 1등 200stp 2등 100stp 3등 50stp

4. 참가기간: 21년 2월 14일(일)까지)